grandma's poultry blend

grandma's poultry blend Reviews

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grandma's poultry blend Feature

  • Recapture the traditional rich flavor of grandma's holiday cooking.
  • Delicious with both chicken and turkey.
  • Faerie's unique blends of natural herbs and spices make it easy to create mouth-watering dishes.
Imagine a holiday at grandma's house, a chicken or turkey roasting in the oven, its aroma filling the air.

faerie's special blend of herbs and spices will help you create poultry dishes that recapture that traditional rich flavor.

Faerie's unique blends of natural herbs and gourmet spices make it easy for anyone to create mouth-watering dishes.  Each of our seasoning blends is available in ½-cup and 2-cup shaker top jars.

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May 01, 2011 18:54:04


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